Issue | Description |
179839 | Linestyles referenced into the active file appear with incorrect linestyle scale if scale linestyles is toggled on for the reference. |
178711 | File specific. When using the MicroStation to preview/plot rasters attached through Raster Manager, MicroStation locks up. Users must End Task to get out of MicroStation. |
178340 | Active Shx Big Font is lost when refreshing the text style after compressing the file. |
178333 | Invalid text is shown when the mouse pointer locates Traditional Chinese text in a reference. |
178331 | In a reference file, the width of Traditional Chinese text gets shorter. |
176846 | (test case specific). MicroStation hangs when one previews or plots from the Iplot dialog. (Test case is a DGN file with Excel spread sheet attached that has a clip boundary defined in the reference file.) |
175672 | A recent change in 8.5.2 hidden line code is causing elements which should appear as hidden to display as visible when using TriForma's Drawing Extraction Manager. |
174152 | Out of scale DWG line types result if they are imported in a model with units that differ from default model. |
174086 | (Test case specific) Custom MicroStation font characters do not display properly in the Word Processor. |
173166 | If the command window is used and docked and the application window is moved, the command window increases in size. |
172401 | (Test case specific) Generating True Hidden Line hangs MicroStation and creates exception log. |
171995 | DWG patterns and priorities causing a delay when creating the plot ready file. |
171019 | (8.5.2) Reference ByLevelStyle is not synchronizing correctly in the active file when ms_level_auto_synch_attribute_list is set to ByLevelSymbology. |
169790 | (test case specific) Line style in reference file does not display if drawn bylevel. |
161215 | (test case specific) Section of reference file fails to plot to pscript.plt. Preview looks good. Plotting to other formats or PDF.PLT work. |
160514 | (test case specific) Section of reference file that is boundary clipped fails to plot to pscript.plt. Preview looks good. Plotting to other formats or PDF.PLT work. |
158327 | Changing the Annotation Scale by key-in causes leader lines to shift on notes. |
158239 | Crash in mdlDialog_menuBarAddAppMenu when running in non-graphics mode. |
158068 | (data specific) Dimensions created in MicroStation v8.1 are not displaying properly in v8.5. |
148250 | mdlSystem_updateGraphicGroup example defines a unsigned long as return variable value instead of integer. |
147337 | The Copy and Increment tool does not work when trying to copy/increment 9 to 10. |
141304 | No Arabic font support for MicroStation fonts. |
138767 | Certain characters in TTFs that used to become cells with group holes now just drop to complex elements and lose the fill capability. |
138399 | (Data specific) Level Manager problem, levels disappear after adding 3 levels and reopening the file. |
137468 | Save a reference file with tags to DWG, when the reference file is merged to cell in the save as command, the tags are stripped from the file. |
134367 | SAT exporter cannot handle ACAD elements with thickness to be converted to surfaces during export. |
130062 | Level settings are not kept when reference file is replaced by new file with the same name with extra levels. |
127875 | The underline space percentage setting appears to have no bearing on the spacing of text and the underline. |
122754 | Adding a carriage return to a line of text with a stacked fraction in it, using the Word Processor adds returns before and after the fraction. |
Issue | Description |
208238 | The Compress option, “Delete Text Elements Containing Only Spaces” , no longer strips out Tabs, Carriage Returns or New Lines. Pozn.: A nejen to. Ve specifických případech může dojít i k odstranění textu. Podívejte se na podrobnosti a řešení  |
206582 & 206582 | Addition of "PrintOptionalContent" command name to pdf.plt. |
206348 & 203144 | Auto Stacked Fraction scale is not being respected when editing text. |
166961 & 166808 | Corrected crash that occurred when opening Step Import Settings. |
228849 | Crash addressed in GUI items when access string is NULL or invalid. |
228470 | Memory issue with Exporting to U3D was corrected. |
227571 | Isolated case where cells were not saved to DWG from DGN was corrected. |
223799 | Level comparison in the pen table element selection criteria for levels that do not exsist on the files being plotted cause a longer than expected delay in plot generation. |
212494 | XML API fix. |
208713 | MicroStation does not support a direct connection to Personal Oracle 9i. |
206569 | Vertical Fraction does not display correctly. |
206493 | Performance issues with raster display corrected. |
203410 | Corrected slow performance when registering a specific dataset. |
203406 | Incorrect resampling results when registering a specific TIF file. |
202499 | Polish characters from the RSC font library are not converted properly in the Word Processor. |
202423 | When exporting to Google Earth, raster files should maintain the transparency created by Raster Manager. |
201704 | Frozen Levels in DWG reference files are no longer displayed. |
199266 | Reference level display is incorrect when saving to DWG and selecting a view to define level display. |
198607 | DWG file has MTEXT that does not display the same way in MicroStation as it does in AutoCAD. |
197888 | Display issue with Font 024 corrected in the Word Processor. |
197884 | Placing certain text using the Engineering/Standard fonts will cause display issues on the left side of the Word Processor. |
197439 | Saving a DWG with References that have display turned off in the sheet model is not displaying correctly. |
196004 | Auto Stacked Fractions do not shrink to the default 70% of the active text height and width. |
195737 | Saving to a .kmz file with a Japanese file name results in error. |
195692 | Exporting to Google Earth from a DGN created using a CJKV MicroStation will create an unreadable file. |
195679 | Batch converting a DWG to V7 DGN file from the command line results in V7 file that will not open in MS/J. |
194930 | The OLEDB connection does not support SQL statements that exceed 1024 characters. |
192070 | Issue with specific double-byte level name not appearing was addressed. |
145032 | A V7 dgn on a network drive, opened in V-/V7 workmode, loses data after a File Save and a network disruption. |
123099 | When changing override color of reference level, the compound line styles that contain a point symbol are not reflecting the override color for the point symbol. |
118120 | Contrast settings are not stored in v2.4 PRJ files. |